Konferencijska oprema

Nudimo razglasnu opremu za konferencije , kompletna produkcijska oprema, video oprema , televizije i Led ekrani raznih veličina, video streaming događaja ili konferencije kao i snimanje s kompletnom režijom i tehničarima kao i kamermanima. rasvjeta prilagođena prostoru održavanja konferencije ili eventa kao i sve vrste kulisa ili pozadina. Štampanje Loga i ostalih sponzora na podlogu za pozadinu kao i mogućnost projekciranja loga na zidove prostorije. Montažne kućice za prevoditelje engleski, njemački itd..

Conference equipment

We offer public address equipment for conferences, complete production equipment, video equipment, televisions and LED screens of various sizes, video streaming events or conferences as well as recording with complete directing and technicians as well as cameramen. lighting adapted to the space of the conference or event as well as all kinds of scenery or backgrounds. Printing of the Logo and other sponsors on the background as well as the possibility of projecting the logo on the walls of the room. Prefabricated houses for translators English, German, etc ..

Konferencijska oprema –
Conference equipment

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