Pozornice, Kulise, pozadine i uređenje te dekoracija istih

Prilagodljive svim Vašim željama u različitim dimenzijama i oblicima. Fleksibilnost naših stručnjaka u izradi projekata i nacrta pozornice kao i kulisa i dodatnih elemenata po želji naručitelja.

Obloge za pozornicu različitih boja kao i tepisoni i plastični dodaci. Pozadinska platna, te sve vrste dekorativnih materijala za istu.

Za nas ne postoji riječ nemoguče.

Uvjerite se sami i poklonite nam svoje povjerenje

Stages, scenery, backgrounds and decoration and decoration

Adaptable to all your wishes in different dimensions and shapes. Flexibility of our experts in the design and design of the stage as well as the scenery and additional elements at the request of the client.

Stage coverings of different colors as well as carpets and plastic accessories. Wallpapers, and all kinds of decorative materials for the same.

There is no word impossible for us.

See for yourself and give us your trust



Stages, scenery, backgrounds and decoration and decoration

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