Na tržištu smo prisutni vise od 35 godina a naši projekti potvrđuju naše znanje i kompetetnost i iskustvo.
Stojimo Vam na usluzi za realizaciju Vašeg projekta vjenčanja ili eventa kao i koncerta na profesionalan način.
Kompletna oprema koja se koristi je profesionalna i atestirana o strane proizvođača kao i od strane vodečih firmi i originalna je u svakom svom dijelu.
Lighting for concerts, weddings and events
We have been present on the market for more than 35 years and our projects confirm our knowledge and competence and experience. We are at your service for the realization of your wedding project or event as well as the concert in a professional way. The complete equipment used is professional and certified by the manufacturers as well as by leading companies and original in every part.